
Growing into Project Management

William Woods Adult Degrees

If you’re considering the timing, cost and work requirements of earning an associates degree to boost salary or raise your level of responsibility, you may already have the right mind-set for project management. Project management covers a lot of ground, and can vary widely depending on the size of the company, the project team and […]


October 15th, 2014

Posted in My Degree @ Work

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What Employers Value When Hiring Candidates

William Woods Adult Degrees

Students pursuing an Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts at William Woods University may ask whether employers fully value critical thinking and communication skills. Forbes last year highlighted a survey of 200 employers run by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) a Bethlehem, Pa. non-profit group that links college career placement offices with […]


September 24th, 2014

Posted in Communication Skills

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Five Tips on how Adult Learners Can Use LinkedIn

William Woods Adult Degrees

A good question to ask when thinking about starting a degree like the William Woods University online Associate of Liberal Arts degree is this — can I begin to polish my online professional profile? Start with LinkedIn, a networking social site that’s been around for 10 years. If you do not already have a profile, […]


September 10th, 2014

Posted in Network Building

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Learning to learn

William Woods Adult Degrees

You’ve gotten along well enough to this point — so why pursue a college degree? It’s a question that three quarters of a million Missouri adults — 23.9 percent of the state’s adult population — routinely ask themselves. That’s how many Missouri adults report having gone to college only to exit before gaining the credential […]


August 27th, 2014

Posted in Difference Makers

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Taking the first step back toward a degree

William Woods Adult Degrees

Life comes with any number of reasons to avoid or step away from earning a college degree. In 2011, nearly 755,000 Missouri adults — 23.9 percent of the state’s adult population — reported having gone to college only to exit before gaining the credential of a two- or four-year degree. That same Lumina Foundation report […]


August 20th, 2014

Posted in Difference Makers

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