
Getting the most out of your bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies

William Woods Adult Degrees

When pursuing a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies, it’s important to consider what other skill sets – those learned outside of the required curriculum – could boost your career. William Woods University offers a wide variety of online courses to round out your education. Paralegals routinely need three skills: an extensive knowledge of the legal […]


September 21st, 2015

Posted in My Degree @ Work, Paralegal Studies

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What kind of skills does a paralegal need in 2015?

William Woods Adult Degrees

There was once a time when paralegals spent much of their days typing court documents, but now more than ever, the paralegal plays a much more active role in law firms, corporate legal departments and government offices. Yes, paralegals are responsible for helping prepare legal documents — briefs, motions, pleadings, etc. But they may also […]


July 7th, 2015

Posted in My Degree @ Work, Paralegal Studies

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Paralegal and Related Careers: Mediator

William Woods Adult Degrees

Rising legal costs and lengthy court proceedings have prompted corporate, government and even civil cases to be resolved outside of the court, through a faster process called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).  This opens career opportunities for Paralegal degree holders. The ADR process is handled by mediators – also known as facilitators and arbitrators. Mediators act […]


October 8th, 2014

Posted in My Degree @ Work, Paralegal Studies

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Paralegal and related careers… then, now and going forward

William Woods Adult Degrees

In the four decades since the launch of paralegals and legal assistants as an adjunct to lawyers, much has changed on every side and area of specialty within the law. In the late 1960s, the desire to extend legal services to a wider cross-section of Americans introduced the concept of paralegals and legal assistants as […]


October 1st, 2014

Posted in My Degree @ Work, Paralegal Studies

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